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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Air Blown Cable Multitube Design

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Brining fibre optics to the homes of India was one of our aim and we are proud to say that we achieved it successfully. AKSH has a number of blown fibre cables and micro cables suitable for Fibre-To-The Home (FTTH) applications for the installation into duct/micro ducts. Extending optical fibre�s reach directly to the residence/business is the next logical step to provide high-speed broadband services (such as high speed data, delivering voice services, and high quality video (TPS: Triple play service).

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Fibre Reinforcement Plastic) Rods, About Us, Air Blown Cable Multitube Design, Air Blown Micro Cable Unitube Design, Air Blown Micro Fibre Cable, All Purpose Cable, Arp (Aramid Reinforcement Plastic) Rods, Break Out Cable, Cable Reinforcement Solutions, Ceramic Armoured Cable, Ctv Cables Cost Effective Designs, Double Sheath Construction, Drop Cable Flat Design, Droplite Cable, Fibre To Home, Figure 8 Design, Flat Twin Cable, Hybrid Cables, Icontrol, Loose Tube Design, Low Water Peak Single Mode Fibre, Multitube Design, Optical Cables, Ribbon Fibre Cables, Simplex And Duplex Designs, Smartcore Aerial Cable, Smartcore Duct Cable, Smartcore Ftth Cables (Aerial Installation), Smartcore Ftth Cables (Fibre To Home Cables), Smartcore Indoor Cables, Smartcore Special Application Cables, Smartcore Steel Armoured Cable, Teleglass Water Blocking Yarn, Tight Buffered Design, Unitube Design, Voip, OPTICAL FIBRE CABLES, OPTICAL FIBRE